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Selecting listings

You select listings by checking the box to the left of each desired listing. In the example below, the first listing is selected, and the second listing is not selected:

To check/uncheck a box, simply click in it. To select all listings on the page, click in the at the top of the column.

You can use this process throughout the software in order to select listings — on a search results page, Hotsheet results page, Listing Cart, Prospect Cart, or any other place where listings display. You can then use the selected listings to run a report, send an e-mail report, move them to another area of the software, and more. (See Using the search results page buttons for more information.)

TIP: View the video tutorial entitled "Viewing and Selecting Listings" on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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